My Spiritual Journey

As the title suggests, this is simply a place where I write about my journey with God. I don't go to Bible College nor preached or whatsoever but I do believe in God. This is where I write about my experiences and you may just realise how flawed I am.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pursuit of Happiness

Just bought a book yesterday call Desiring God by John Piper.
I can't comprehend how simple words written on pieces of paper
can have such a magnificent power and profound understanding.

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
He is glorified not only by His glory's being seen, but by its being rejoiced in.

Worship and praise is not merely to express but for us to enjoy his presence 
and to be satisfied in that enjoyment.  

C.S Lewis states that a football fanatic would praise their favourite players;
readers praise their favourite authors, lover praise their other half.
We delight to praise what we enjoy.
So it should be no different that if we enjoy His presence,
We will praise and delight in Him.  

They come in hand in hand, because in 
'whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God'
- 1 Cor 10:31

Let us find joy in everything we do 
for we are doing it for the Glory of the Lord.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Breakthroughs - Are you living on a Saturday?

It has definitely been a while since I've been on this blog.
And to be honest, I have no excuses. 
I have been shunning away from God and now, I guess He has found me again. 
Planetshakers conference 2013 has been EPIC. 
I could feel the presence of God so vividly.

Just yesterday, Reggie Dabbs was speaking on the issue of Saturday.
Whilst many preachers talk about Friday when Jesus died on the cross,
and Sunday where he rose again; no one really talks about Saturday...
so what exactly happens on Saturday?

Perhaps, it is the day when God is silent in your situation.
Those are the days where we start to question God; 
Am I so unworthy that he refused to speak to me?
Have I done something wrong?
Why is he letting me go through these?
Where is God when I need him the most?

I start to doubt, to fear, to worry; and even let anger to consume me
But the amazing thing is;

Saturday is the day after your prayer and the day before your answer. 

God trusted me with Saturdays; the pain, the sorrows, the neglect and loneliness because he knew that one day, he will be able to turn my Saturdays into a trophy. 

Right now, I am praying for a breakthrough in my life.
And although it is silent and the water is calm; 
I believe that God is getting ready to stir up a tsunami of blessings. 
And I will stand still and not waver. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Recapture your dream; let it burn for Him again

What's worst than not achieving your dreams is not having a dream in the first place.

We used to fantasize about being a superhero; the greatest man/woman on Earth
but many times, we lose track of those dreams and settle for the least.

The most precious and unique thing about humankind is that we are capable of dreaming
Don't let anything in the world take that away from you.

I watched this sermon and realize that I have lost that passion because I didn't dare to dream anymore.
I settled for what seems like a fantasy according to society.
neglecting that I once had many dreams of my own; things that I want to achieve.

The dreams that you have buried; let it burn for Him again

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

In His Hands

It seems that I have been neglecting this blog alot
what I really feel is that,
sometimes, I don't feel fit enough to blog about God
that I'm unworthy.

But I know I shouldn't feel this way
We're all His children
and we all have the right to speak about our relationship with our father yeah?

I have been going back to my old church for the past 2 weeks
and it feels good to be there again

Now that I have my freedom again,
I feel like I should do so many things
like studying God's word.
But I keep procastrinating again

Then, I start to think
Maybe God isn't my focus
that studying His Word isn't my first priority.

I'm in state of self denial
Always believing that I had, have and will put God as my first
but looks like my actions are contradicting itself

I have been blinded by alot of things
and I often feel that spending time and catching up with friends is so much more important

but two days ago,
when I was doing QT,
I came across a passage from Too Busy Not to Pray by Bill Hybels

and it uses the analogy of sailing in the storm

The author writes that when he was young, he used to go sailing in his dad's boat with his friends
It's nice having a pal with you when sailing
but when you approach the storm, an inexperienced crew would be of no use.
On the other hand, when he was with his dad, he looked forward to the storm
because his had had sailed across the Atlantic Ocean
 and there's nothing he wouldn't be able to handle when the storm is near.

As you enjoy God's presence in your life, you become increasingly aware of your companion's identity and power and character. Nothing is too difficult for God to handle. There are no limits to his power. Life can't throw anything at you that you can't handle with God.

Life for me right now seems to be quite smooth
but I can't see what's ahead of me.
Regardless though, I know that in this journey,
there're bound to be hardship, heartbreaks, tragedies and trials
that I will have to face.

Don't we all love to do that though?
when life's good.
We put God aside and enjoy the companionship of the world
then when crisis hit,
we run to Him for help.

I don't want to sit back and enjoy the smooth sailing with the world
but I want to cling on to Him
regardless of whether it's smooth sailing or I'm approaching a storm.
becos either way, I will be able to enjoy his presence, assurances and his strength.

I guess afterall,
I want to be more grateful.
Thank you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

"Who can take suffering without entering it?"

Yesss, I noee it has been ages since I've been on this blog xD
But anw, I feel inspired to write today

A few weeks ago when I was doing QT
I read something that is so true and very challenging

The title is The Illusion of Leadership
by Henry Nouwen in the Seeds of Hope

"No one can help anyone without being involved, without entering with his or her whole person into the painful situation, without taking the risk of being hurt, wounded, or even destroyed in the process...
Who can save a shild from a burning house without taking the risk of being hurt by the flames? who can listen to a story of loneliness and despair without taking the risk of experiencing similar pains and even losing precious peace of mind?"

Isn't it soo true?
When we see those in poverty, those who are hurt, those who are broken
we do feel upset, we do feel the pain
yet, don't we most often shunned it to the back of our memory?
becos we fear?
becos we are scared to face the depth of their pain?
or becos we have never experience such agony that we aren't able to empathise with them
I'm sure we're all compassionate creatures, wanting to help those in need
I'm sure we all want to reach out.

But it's difficult no doubt;
not everyone has the capability
but I'm sure we are all called in this world by God
to complete his will
big or small;
you do make a difference
you are worthy in his eyes

I don't know what my future beholds for me
Nothing seems to be unfolding yet
I suppose I can only trust in God for his plan to be fulfilled for me

I am just glad and thankful for all the sufferings I have experience
The death of my love ones
Moving to a new country
Experiencing problems from family to relationships

All these small things have greatly strengthen me
and given me the capacity to help others who is under the same plight

Though I have never experience poverty or any kind of disabilities,
I want to feel that same misery so that I would be able to understand them
I want to feel the same pain they're feeling
I want to enter their world.

But it's soo hard; easy to say
I can be such hypocrite sometimes
But I know that Jesus is not
and the more I become like Him
Then, I will be able to feel that same compassion
that same immense love that He has for us

The reason why God is able to take our sufferings away
is becos He knows what are our sufferings
He not only knows what they are
but He experienced them a million time worse than what we're experiencing
He came down to Earth
facing only pain after pain
Betrayals, Humiliation, Lost, Doubts, Temptations
But you know what?
He rose above all of them

So can we.
with the help of the Father

I would like to share this song that I heard in Church last sunday
The lyric is really meaningful and it's below

God of justice, Saviour to all
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not be served

Jesus, You have called us
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken, we must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action, we must go

To act justly every day
Loving mercy in every way
Walking humbly before You, God

You have shown us, what You require
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out, Lord

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Adsent from His presence

If you follow my other blog, you would realise how emo I've been

The accumulation of unhappy thoughts has deeply disturbed my daily life lately
It's the whole thing about how the world view you that greatly affected me
I can't stand it, maybe becos I wasn't someone who is rich or famous
that's why I'm absolutely nothing in society...
that's why I feel worthless to a certain extent

Then, I came to terms that all these unhappiness actually surface because
I have been adsent from God's presence
I've been so self-indulged/self-centred
It was about Me,Me,Me
Who am I? Who I want to be?, etc etc
that I neglected my real identity
that I'm a child of God
and that Christ lives in me

Now, I'm clear what is required of me
Why be so indulged in the worldy thing
like money, popularity, fame, or possessions
when you can't bring them to Heaven?
or when God doesn't even look at all those things?
But at our Heart?

I can't live together with the World
but I definitely can live in this World

Yet, I'm stuggling in my faith
maybe becos my faith fluctuate with my emotions
but not the other way instead

I want to take a leap of faith
I don't want to live by my will
but God's
I want to grow

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My innermost feelings I pour out to you

I am a sinner...

Sometimes, I feel really drifted away from God
and it's not because God has forsaken me or given me up
but it's me
I disobey Him and happily take the path that I want
I know well enough that the path that God plans for me is better in the long run
Yet, the path that I am desiring to take seems sooo tempting

I really want to follow the path that God plan for me
I really do

But it's so hard
Everything that the world throws at me is another burden that I have to bear
My innermost feelings I cannot ignore
My innermost desires I cannot suppress

I just wanna have fun, yet that moment of fun
could easily turn me to some kind of irreversible mutated person

I'm striving but it's hurting
I know that Victory belongs to God
sooo, let's me take the right path
and help me not to be led astray

please help me stay focus on you